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4 breaking dawn破晓-第93章

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mean; it's not like you don't look。。。 good。 I'll get used to it。〃 

〃Thanks; Dad。〃 

Charlie nodded and walked thoughtfully toward his car。 I watched him drive away; it wasn't until I heard 
his tires hit the freeway that I realized I'd done it。 I'd actually made it through the whole day without 
hurting Charlie。 All by myself。 I must have a superpower! 

It seemed too good to be true。 Could I really have both my new family and some of my old as well? 
And I'd thought that yesterday had been perfect。 

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〃Wow;〃 I whispered。 I blinked and felt the third set of contact lenses disintegrate。 

The sound of the piano cut off; and Edward's arms were around my waist; his chin resting on my 

〃You took the word right out of my mouth。〃 

〃Edward; i did it!〃 

〃You did。 You were unbelievable。 All that worrying over being a newborn; and then you skip it 
altogether。'7He laughed quietly。 

〃I'm not even sure she's really a vampire; let alone a newborn;〃 Emmett called from under the stairs。 
〃She's too tame。〃 

All the embarrassing ments he'd made in front of my father sounded in my ears again; and it was 
probably a good thing I was holding Renesmee。 Unable to help my reaction entirely; I snarled under my 

〃Oooo; scary;〃 Emmett laughed。 

I hissed; and Renesmee stirred in my arms。 She blinked a few times; then looked around; her expression 
confused。 She sniffed; then reached for my face。 

〃Charlie will be back tomorrow;〃 I assured her。 

〃Excellent;〃 Emmett said。 Rosalie laughed with him this time。 

〃Not brilliant; Emmett;〃 Edward said scornfully; holding out his hands to take Renesmee from me。 He 
winked when I hesitated; and so; a little confused; I gave her to him。 

〃What do you mean?〃 Emmett demanded。 

〃It's a little dense; don't you think; to antagonize the strongest vampire in the house?〃 

Emmett threw his head back and snorted。 〃Please!〃 

〃Bella;〃 Edward murmured to me while Emmett listened closely; 〃do you remember a few months ago; I 
asked you to do me a favor once you were immortal?〃 

That rang a dim bell。 I sifted through the blurry human conversations。 After a moment; I remembered 
and I gasped; 〃Oh!〃 

Alice trilled a long; pealing laugh。 Jacob poked his head around the corner; his mouth stuffed with food。 

〃What?〃 Emmett growled。 

〃Really?〃 I asked Edward。 

〃Trust me;〃 he said。 

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I took a deep breath。 〃Emmett; how do you feel about a little bet?〃 

He was on his feet at once。 〃Awesome。 Bring it。〃 

I bit my lip for a second。 He was just so huge。 

〃Unless you're too afraid。。。 ?〃 Emmett suggested。 

I squared my shoulders。 〃You。 Me。 Armwrestling。 Dining room table。 Now。〃 

Emmett's grin stretched across his face。 

〃Er; Bella;〃 Alice said quickly; 〃I think Esme is fairly fond of that table。 It's an antique。〃 

〃Thanks;〃 Esme mouthed at her。 

〃No problem;〃 Emmett said with a gleaming smile。 〃Right this way; Bella。〃 

I followed him out the back; toward the garage; I could hear all the others trailing behind。 There was a 
largish granite boulder standing up out of a tumble of rocks near the river; obviously Emmett's goal。 
Though the big rock was a little rounded and irregular; it would do the job。 

Emmett placed his elbow on the rock and waved me forward。 

I was nervous again as I watched the thick muscles in Emmett's arm roll; but I kept my face smooth。 
Edward had promised I would be stronger than anyone for a while。 He seemed very confident about this; 
and I felt strong。 That strong? I wondered; looking at Emmett's biceps。 I wasn't even two days old; 
though; and that ought to count for something。 Unless nothing was normal about me。 Maybe I wasn't as 
strong as a normal newborn。 Maybe that's why control was so easy for me。 

I tried to look unconcerned as I set my elbow against the stone。 

〃Okay; Emmett。 I win; and you cannot say one more word about my sex life to anyone; not even Rose。 
No allusions; no innuendos—no nothing。〃 

His eyes narrowed。 〃Deal。 I win; and it's going to get a lot worse。〃 

He heard my breath stop and grinned evilly。 There was no hint of bluff in his eyes。 

〃You gonna back down so easy; little sister?〃 Emmett taunted。 〃Not much wild about you; is there? I bet 
that cottage doesn't have a scratch。〃 He laughed。 〃Did Edward tell you how many houses Rose and I 

I gritted my teeth and grabbed his big hand。 〃One; two—〃 

〃Three;〃 he grunted; and shoved against my hand。 

Nothing happened。 

Oh; I could feel the force he was exerting。 My new mind seemed pretty good at all kinds of calculations; 
and so I could tell that if he wasn't meeting any resistance; his hand would have pounded right through the 

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rock without difficulty。 The pressure increased; and I wondered randomly if a cement truck doing forty 
miles an hour down a sharp decline would have similar power。 Fifty miles an hour? Sixty? Probably 

It wasn't enough to move me。 His hand shoved against mine with crushing force; but it wasn't unpleasant。 
It felt kind of good in a weird way。 I'd been so very careful since the last time I woke up; trying so hard 
not to break things。 It was a strange relief to use my muscles。 To let the strength flow rather than 
struggling to restrain it。 

Emmett grunted; his forehead creased and his whole body strained in one rigid line toward the obstacle 
of my unmoving hand。 I let him sweat—figuratively—for a moment while I enjoyed the sensation of the 
crazy force running through my arm。 

A few seconds; though; and I was a little bored with it。 I flexed; Emmett lost an inch。 

I laughed。 Emmett snarled harshly through his teeth。 

〃Just keep your mouth shut;〃 I reminded him; and then I smashed his hand into the boulder。 A deafening 
crack echoed off the trees。 The rock shuddered; and a piece—about an eighth of the mass—broke off at 
an invisible fault line and crashed to the ground。 It fell on Emmett's foot; and I snickered。 I could hear 
Jacob's and Edward's muffled laughter。 

Emmett kicked the rock fragment across the river。 It sliced a young maple in half before thudding into 
the base of a big fir; which swayed and then fell into another tree。 

〃Rematch。 Tomorrow。〃 

〃It's not going to wear off that fast;〃 I told him。 〃Maybe you ought to give it a month。〃 

Emmett growled; flashing his teeth。 〃Tomorrow。〃 

〃Hey; whatever makes you happy; big brother。〃 

As he turned to stalk away; Emmett punched the granite; shattering off an avalanche of shards and 
powder。 It was kind of neat; in a childish way。 

Fascinated by the undeniable proof that I was stronger than the strongest vampire I'd ever known; I 
placed my hand; fingers spread wide; against the rock。 Then I dug my fingers slowly into the stone; 
crushing rather than digging; the consistency reminded me of hard cheese。 I ended up with a handful of 

〃Cool;〃 I mumbled。 

With a grin stretching my face; I whirled in a sudden circle and karatechopped the rock with the side of 
my hand。 The stone shrieked and groaned and—with a big poof of dust—split in two。 

I started giggling。 

I didn't pay much attention to the chuckles behind me while I punched and kicked the rest of the boulder 
into fragments。 I was having too much fun; snickering away the whole time。 It wasn't until I heard a new 
little giggle; a highpitched peal of bells; that I turned away from my silly game。 

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〃Did she just laugh?〃 

Everyone was staring at Renesmee with the same dumbstruck expression that must have been on my 

〃Yes;〃 Edward said。 

〃Who wasnt laughing?〃 Jake muttered; rolling his eyes。 

〃Tell me you didn't let go a bit on your first run; dog;〃 Edward teased; no antagonism in his voice at all。 

〃That's different;〃 Jacob said; and I watched in surprise as he 
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