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4 breaking dawn破晓-第72章

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I took another deep; unnecessary breath。 

〃No; I'm fine;〃 I promised them。 My eyes flickered to the stranger in the mirror and back。 〃It's just。。。 a 
lot to take in。〃 

Jasper's brow furrowed; highlighting the two scars over his left eye。 

〃I don't know;〃 Edward murmured。 

The woman in the mirror frowned。 〃What question did I miss?〃 

Edward grinned。 〃Jasper wonders how you're doing it。〃 

〃Doing what?〃 

〃Controlling your emotions; Bella;〃 Jasper answered。 〃I've never seen a newborn do that—stop an 
emotion in its tracks that way。 You were upset; but when you saw our concern; you reined it in; regained 
power over yourself。 I was prepared to help; but you didn't need it。〃 

〃Is that wrong?〃 I asked。 My body automatically froze as I waited for his verdict。 

〃No;〃 he said; but his voice was unsure。 

Edward stroked his hand down my arm; as if encouraging me to thaw。 〃It's very impressive; Bella; but 
we don't understand it。 We don't know how long it can hold。〃 

I considered that for a portion of a second。 At any moment; would I snap? Turn into a monster? 

I couldn't feel it ing on。。。。 Maybe there was no way to anticipate such a thing。 

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〃But what do you think?〃 Alice asked; a little impatient now; pointing to the mirror。 

〃I'm not sure;〃 I hedged; not wanting to admit how frightened I really was。 

I stared at the beautiful woman with the terrifying eyes; looking for pieces of me。 There was something 
there in the shape of her lips—if you looked past the dizzying beauty; it was true that her upper lip was 
slightly out of balance; a bit too full to match the lower。 Finding this familiar little flaw made me feel a tiny 
bit better。 Maybe the rest of me was in there; too。 

I raised my hand experimentally; and the woman in the mirror copied the movement; touching her face; 
too。 Her crimson eyes watched me warily。 

Edward sighed。 

I turned away from her to look at him; raising one eyebrow。 

〃Disappointed?〃 I asked; my ringing voice impassive。 

He laughed。 〃Yes;〃 he admitted。 

I felt the shock break through the posed mask on my face; followed instantly by the hurt。 

Alice snarled。 Jasper leaned forward again; waiting for me to snap。 

But Edward ignored them and wrapped his arms tightly around my newly frozen form; pressing his lips 
against my cheek。 〃I was rather hoping that I'd be able to hear your mind; now that it is more similar to 
my own;〃 he murmured。 〃And here I am; as frustrated as ever; wondering what could possibly be going 
on inside your head。〃 

I felt better at once。 

〃Oh well;〃 I said lightly; relieved that my thoughts were still my own。 〃I guess my brain will never work 
right。 At least I'm pretty。〃 

It was being easier to joke with him as I adjusted; to think in straight lines。 To be myself。 

Edward growled in my ear。 〃Bella; you have never been merely pretty。〃 

Then his face pulled away from mine; and he sighed。 〃All right; all right;〃 he said to someone。 

〃What?〃 I asked。 

〃You're making Jasper more edgy by the second。 He may relax a little when you've hunted。〃 

I looked at Jasper's worried expression and nodded。 I didn't want to snap here; if that was ing。 
Better to be surrounded by trees than family。 

〃Okay。 Let's hunt;〃 I agreed; a thrill of nerves and anticipation making my stomach quiver。 I unwrapped 
Edward's arms from around me; keeping one of his hands; and turned my back on the strange and 
beautiful woman in the mirror。 

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〃The window?〃 I asked; staring two stories down。 

I'd never really been afraid of heights per se; but being able to see all the details with such clarity made 
the prospect less appealing。 The angles of the rocks below were sharper than I would have imagined 

Edward smiled。 〃It's the most convenient exit。 If you're frightened; I can carry you。〃 

〃We have all eternity; and you're worried about the time it would take to walk to the back door?〃 

He frowned slightly。 〃Renesmee and Jacob are downstairs___〃 


Right。 I was the monster now。 I had to keep away from scents that might trigger my wild side。 From the 
people that I loved in particular。 Even the ones I didn't really know yet。 

〃Is Renesmee。。。 okay。。。 with Jacob there?〃 I whispered。 I realized belatedly that it must havebeen 
Jacob's heart I'd heard below。 I listened hard again; but I could only hear the one steady pulse。 〃He 
doesn't like her much。〃 

Edward's lips tightened in an odd way。 〃Trust me; she is perfectly safe。 I know exactly what Jacob is 

〃Of course;〃 I murmured; and looked at the ground again。 

〃Stalling?〃 he challenged。 

〃A little。 I don't know how。。。。〃 

And I was very conscious of my family behind me; watching silently。 Mostly silently。 Emmett had already 
chuckled under his breath once。 One mistake; and he'd be rolling on the floor。 Then the jokes about the 
world's only clumsy vampire would start。。。。 

Also; this dress—that Alice must have put me in sometime when I was too lost in the burning to 
notice—was not what I would have picked out for either jumping or hunting。 Tightly fitted iceblue silk? 
What did she think I would need it for? Was there a cocktail party later? 

〃Watch me;〃 Edward said。 And then; very casually; he stepped out of the tall; open window and fell。 

I watched carefully; analyzing the angle at which he bent his knees to absorb the impact。 The sound of 
his landing was very low—a muted thud that could have been a door softly closed; or a book gently laid 
on a table。 

It didn't look hard。 

Clenching my teeth as I concentrated; I tried to copy his casual step into empty air。 

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Ha! The ground seemed to move toward me so slowly that it was nothing at all to place my feet—what 
shoes had Alice put me in? Stilettos? She'd lost her mind—to place mysilly shoes exactly right so that 
landing was no different than stepping one foot forward on a flat surface。 

I absorbed the impact in the balls of my feet; not wanting to snap off the thin heels。 My landing seemed 
just as quiet as his。 I grinned at him。 

〃Right。 Easy。〃 

He smiled back。 〃Bella?〃 


〃That was quite graceful—even for a vampire。〃 

I considered that for a moment; and then I beamed。 If he'd just been saying that; then Emmett would 
have laughed。 No one found his remark humorous; so it must have been true。 It was the first time anyone 
had ever applied the word graceful 'to me in my entire life。。。 or; well; existence anyway。 

〃T?ancyou;〃i told him。 

And then I hooked the silver satin shoes off my feet one by one and lobbed them together back through 
the open window。 A little too hard; maybe; but I heard someone catch them before they could damage 
the paneling。 

Alice grumbled; 〃Her fashion sense hasn't improved as much as her balance。〃 

Edward took my hand—I couldn't stop marveling at the smoothness; the fortable temperature of his 
skin—and darted through the backyard to the edge of the river。 I went along with him effortlessly。 

Everything physical seemed very simple。 

〃Are we swimming?〃 I asked him when we stopped beside the water。 

〃And ruin your pretty dress? No。 We're jumping。〃 

I pursed my lips; considering。 The river was about fifty yards wide here。 

〃You first;〃 I said。 

He touched my cheek; took two quick backward strides; and then ran back those two steps; launching 
himself from a flat stone firmly embedded in the riverbank。 I studied the flash of movement as he arced 
over the water; finally turning a somersault just before he disappeared into the thick trees on the other 
side of the river。 

〃Showoff;〃 I muttered; and heard his invisible laugh。 

I backed up five paces; just in case; and took a deep breath。 

Suddenly; I was anxious again。 Not about falling or getting hurt—I was more worried about the forest 
getting hurt。 

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