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4 breaking dawn破晓-第68章

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because I was one。 But I can't see these odd halfbreeds at all because they're nothing I've experienced。 

〃Focus; Alice。〃 

〃Right。 Bella's almost too easy to see now。〃 

There was a long moment of silence; and then Edward sighed。 It was a new sound; happier。 

〃She's really going to be fine;〃 he breathed。 

〃Of course she is。〃 

〃You weren't so sanguine two days ago。〃 

〃I couldn't see right two days ago。 But now that she's free of all the blind spots; it's a piece of cake。〃 

〃Could you concentrate for me? On the clock—give me an estimate。〃 

Alice sighed。 〃So impatient。 Fine。 Give me a sec—〃 

Quiet breathing。 

〃Thank you; Alice。〃 His voice was brighter。 

How long?Couldn't they at least say it aloud for me? Was that too much to ask? How many more 
seconds would I burn? Ten thousand? Twenty? Another day—eightysix thousand; four hundred? More 
than that? 

〃She's going to be dazzling。〃 

Edward growled quietly。 〃She always has been。〃 

Alice snorted。 〃You know what I mean。 Look at her。〃 

Edward didn't answer; but Alice's words gave me hope that maybe I didn't resemble the charcoal 
briquette I felt like。 It seemed as if I must be just a pile of charred bones by now。 Every cell in my body 
had been razed to ash。 

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I heard Alice breeze out of the room。 I heard the swish of the fabric she moved; rubbing against itself。 I 
heard the quiet buzz of the light hanging from the ceiling。 I heard the faint wind brushing against the 
outside of the house。 I could hear everything。 

Downstairs; someone was watching a ball game。 The Mariners were winning by two runs。 

〃It's my turn〃 I heard Rosalie snap at someone; and there was a low snarl in response。 

〃Hey; now;〃 Emmett cautioned。 

Someone hissed。 

I listened for more; but there was nothing but the game。 Baseball was not interesting enough to distract 
me from the pain; so I listened to Edward's breathing again; counting the seconds。 

Twentyone thousand; nine hundred seventeen and a half seconds later; the pain changed。 

On the goodnews side of things; it started to fade from my fingertips and toes。 Fading slowly; but at 
least it was doing something new。 This had to be it。 The pain was on its way out。。。 

And then the bad news。 The fire in my throat wasn't the same as before。 I wasn't only on fire; but I was 
now parched; too。 Dry as bone。 So thirsty。 Burning fire; and burning thirst。。。 

Also bad news: The fire inside my heart got hotter。 

How was that possible? 

My heartbeat; already too fast; picked up—the fire drove its rhythm to a new frantic pace。 

〃Carlisle;〃 Edward called。 His voice was low but clear。 I knew that Carlisle would hear it; if he were in 
or near the house。 

The fire retreated from my palms; leaving them blissfully painfree and cool。 But it retreated to my heart; 
which blazed hot as the sun and beat at a furious new speed。 

Carlisle entered the room; Alice at his side。 Their footsteps were so distinct; I could even tell that 
Carlisle was on the right; and a foot ahead of Alice。 

〃Listen;〃 Edward told them。 

The loudest sound in the room was my frenzied heart; pounding to the rhythm of the fire。 

〃Ah;〃 Carlisle said。 〃It's almost over。〃 

My relief at his words was overshadowed by the excruciating pain in my heart。 

My wrists were free; though; and my ankles。 The fire was totally extinguished there。 

〃Soon;〃 Alice agreed eagerly。 〃I'll get the others。 Should I have Rosalie。。。 ?〃 

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〃Yes—keep the baby away。〃 

What? No。 No! What did he mean; keep my baby away? What was he thinking? 

My fingers twitched—the irritation breaking through my perfect facade。 The room went silent besides 
the jackhammering of my heart as they all stopped breathing for a second in response。 

A hand squeezed my wayward fingers。 〃Bella? Bella; love?〃 

Could I answer him without screaming? I considered that for a moment; and then the fire ripped hotter 
still through my chest; draining in from my elbows and knees。 Better not to chance it。 

'Til bring them right up;〃 Alice said; an urgent edge to her tone; and I heard the swish of wind as she 
darted away。 

And then— oh! 

My heart took off; beating like helicopter blades; the sound almost a single sustained note; it felt like it 
would grind through my ribs。 The fire flared up in the center of my chest; sucking the last remnants of the 
flames from the 

rest of my body to fuel the most scorching blaze yet。 The pain was enough to stun me; to break through 
my iron grip on the stake。 My back arched; bowed as if the fire was dragging me upward by my heart。 

I allowed no other piece of my body to break rank as my torso slumped back to the table。 

It became a battle inside me—my sprinting heart racing against the attacking fire。 Both were losing。 The 
fire was doomed; having consumed everything that was bustible; my heart galloped toward its last 

The fire constricted; concentrating inside that one remaining human organ with a final; unbearable surge。 
The surge was answered by a deep; hollowsounding thud。 My heart stuttered twice; and then thudded 
quietly again just once more。 

There was no sound。 No breathing。 Not even mine。 

For a moment; the absence of pain was all I could prehend。 

And then I opened my eyes and gazed above me in wonder。 

20。 NEW 

Everything was so clear。 

Sharp。 Defined。 

The brilliant light overhead was still blindingbright; and yet I could plainly see the glowing strands of the 
filaments inside the bulb。 I could see each color of the rainbow in the white light; and; at the very edge of 
the spectrum; an eighth color I had no name for。 

Behind the light; I could distinguish the individual grains in the dark wood ceiling above。 In front of it; I 

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could see the dust motes in the air; the sides the light touched; and the dark sides; distinct and separate。 
They spun like little plas; moving around each other in a celestial dance。 

The dust was so beautiful that I inhaled in shock; the air whistled down my throat; swirling the motes into 
a vortex。 The action felt wrong。 I considered; and realized the problem was that there was no relief tied 
to the action。 I didn't need the air。 My lungs weren't waiting for it。 They reacted indifferently to the influx。 

I did not need the air; but I liked it。 In it; I could taste the room around me—taste the lovely dust motes; 
the mix of the stagnant air mingling with the flow of slightly cooler air from the open door。 Taste a lush 
whiff of silk。 Taste a faint hint of something warm and desirable; something that should be moist; but 
wasn't。。。 That smell made my throat burn dryly; a faint echo of the venom burn; though the scent was 
tainted by the bite of chlorine and ammonia。 And most of all; I could taste an 
almosthoneylilacandsunflavored scent that was the strongest thing; the closest thing to me。 

I heard the sound of the others; breathing again now that I did。 Their breath mixed with the scent that 
was something just off honey and lilac and sunshine; bringing new flavors。 Cinnamon; hyacinth; pear; 
seawater; rising bread; pine; vanilla; leather; apple; moss; lavender; chocolate。。。。 I traded a dozen 
different parisons in my mind; but none of them fit exactly。 So sweet and pleasant。 

The TV downstairs had been muted; and I heard someone—Rosalie?—shift her weight on the first floor。 

I also heard a faint; thudding rhythm; with a voice shouting angrily to the beat。 Rap music? I was 
mystified for a moment; and then the sound faded away like a car passing by with the windows rolled 

With a start; I realized that this could be exactly right。 Could I hear all the way to the freeway? 

I didn't realize someone was holding my hand until whoever it was squeezed it lightly。 Like it had before 
to hide the pain; my body locked down again in surprise。 This was not a touch I expected。
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