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4 breaking dawn破晓-第52章

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I probably ought to suggest that; but I was afraid they would listen to me。 And I didn't wantto haveBella 
disappear—to never know whether she'd made it or not。 

No; that was stupid。 I wouldtell them togo。 It made no sense for them to stay; and it would be better 
—not less painful; but healthier—for me if Bella left。 

Easyto say now; when Bella wasn't right there; looking all thrilled to see me and also clinging to life by 
her fingernails at the same time。。。 

Oh; I already asked Edward about that;Seth thought。 


I asked him why they hadn't taken off yet。 Gone up to Tanya's place or something。 Somewhere too far 
for Sam to e after them。 

I had to remind myself that I'd just decided to give the Cullens that exact advice。 That it was best。 So I 
shouldn't be mad at Seth for taking the chore out of my hands。 Not mad at all。 

So what did he say? Are they waiting for a window? 

No。 They're not leaving。 

And that shouldn't sound like good news。 

Why not? That's just stupid。 

Not really;Seth said; defensive now。 It takes some time to build up the kind of medical access that 
Carlisle has here。 He's got all the stuff he needs to take care of Bella; and the credentials to get 
more。 That's one of the reasons they want to make a hunting run。 Carlisle thinks they're going to 
need more blood for Bella soon。 She's using up all the O negative they stored for her。 He doesn't 
like depleting the stockpile。 He's going to buy some more。 Did you know you can buy blood? If 
you're a doctor。 

I wasn't ready to be logical yet。 Still seems stupid。 They could bring most of it with them; right? 
And steal what they need wherever they go。 Who cares about legal crap when you're the undead? 

Edward doesn't want to take any risks moving her。 

She's better than she was。 

Seriously;Seth agreed。 In his head; he was paring my memories of Bella hooked up to the tubes with 

last time he'd seen her as he'd left the house。 She'd smiled at him and waved。 But she can't move 
around much; you know。 That thing is kicking the hell out of her。 

I swallowed back the stomach acid in my throat。 Yeah; I know。 

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Broke another of her ribs;he told me somberly。 

My stride faltered; and I staggered a step before I regained my rhythm。 

Carlisle taped her up again。 Just another crack; he said。 Then Rosalie said something about how even 
normal human babies have been known to crack ribs。 Edward looked like he was gonna rip her head off。 

Too bad he didn't 

Seth was in full report mode now—knowing it was all vitally interesting to me; though I'd never've asked 
to hear it。 Bella's been running a fever off and on today。 Just low grade — sweats and then chills。 
Carlisle's not sure what to make of it— shemightjust be sick。 Her immune system can't be in peak 
form right now。 

Yeah; I'm sure it's just a coincidence。 

She's in a good mood; though。 She was chatting with Charlie; laughing and all— 

Charlie!What?! What do you mean; she was talking to Charlie?! 

Now Seth's pace stuttered; my fury surprised him。 Guess he calls every day to talk to her。 Sometimes 
her mom calls; too。 Bella sounds so much better now; so she was reassuring him that she was on 
the mendOn the mend? What the hell are they thinking?! Get Charlie's hopes up just so that he 
can be destroyed even worse when she dies? I thought they were getting him ready for that! 
Trying to prepare him! Why would she set him up like this? 

She might not die;Seth thought quietly。 

I took deep breath; trying to calm myself。 Seth。 Even if she pulls through this; she's not doing it 
human。 She knows that; and so do the rest of them。 If she doesn't die; she's going to have to do a 
pretty convincing impersonation of a corpse; kid。 Either that; or disappear。 I thought they were 
trying to make this easier on Charlie。 Why。。。 ? 

Think it's Bella's idea。 No one said anything; but Edward's face kinda went right along with what you're 
thinking now。 

On the same wavelength with the bloodsucker yet again。 

We ran in silence for a few minutes。 I started off along a new line; probing south。 

Don't get too far。 


Bella asked me to ask you to stop by。 

My teeth locked together。 

Alice wants you; too。 She says she's tired of hanging out in the attic like the vampire bat in the belfry。 
Seth snorted a laugh。  was switching off with Edward before。 Trying to keep Bella's temperature 
stable。 Cold to hot; as needed。 I guess; if you don't want to do it; I could go back— 

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No。 I got it;I snapped。 

Okay。Seth didn't make any more ments。 He concentrated very hard on the empty forest。 

I kept my southern course; searching for anything new。 I turned around when I got close to the first signs 
of habitation。 Not near the town yet; but I didn't want to get any wolf rumors going again。 We'd been 
nice and invisible for a long while now。 

I passed right through the perimeter on my way back; heading for the house。 As much as I knew it was a 
stupid thing to do; I couldn't stop myself。 I must be some kind of masochist。 

There's nothing wrong with you; Jake。 This isn't the most normal situation。 

Shut up; please; Seth。 


I didn't hesitate at the door this time; I just walked through like I owned the place。 I figured that would 
piss Rosalie off; but it was a wasted effort。 Neither Rosalie or Bella were anywhere in sight。 I looked 
around wildly; hoping I'd missed them somewhere; my heart squeezing against my ribs in a weird; 
unfortable way。 

〃She's all right;〃 Edward whispered。 〃Or; the same; I should say。〃 

Edward was on the couch with his face in his hands; he hadn't looked up to speak。 Esme was next to 
him; her arm wrapped tight around his shoulders。 

〃Hello; Jacob;〃 she said。 〃I'm so glad you came back。〃 

〃Me; too;〃 Alice said with a deep sigh。 She came prancing down the stairs; making a face。 Like 1 was 
late for an appointment。 

〃Uh; hey;〃 I said。 It felt weird to try to be polite。 

〃Where's Bella?〃 

〃Bathroom;〃 Alice told me。 〃Mostly fluid diet; you know。 Plus; the whole pregnancy thing does that to 
you; I hear。〃 


I stood there awkwardly; rocking back and forth on my heels。 

〃Oh; wonderful;〃 Rosalie grumbled。 I whipped my head around and saw her ing from a hall 
halfhidden behind the stairway。 She had Bella cradled gently in her arms; a harsh sneer on her face for 
me。 〃I knew I smelled something nasty。〃 

And; just like before; Bella's face lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning。 Like I'd brought her the 
greatest gift ever。 

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It was so unfair。 

〃Jacob;〃 she breathed。 〃You came。〃 

〃Hi; Bells。〃 

Esme and Edward both got up。 I watched how carefully Rosalie laid Bella out on the couch。 I watched 
how; despite that; Bella turned white and held her breath—like she was set on not making any noise no 
matter how much it hurt。 

Edward brushed his hand across her forehead and then along her neck。 He tried to make it look as if he 

just sweeping her hair back; but it looked like a doctor's examination to me。 

〃Are you cold?〃 he murmured。 

I'm fine。〃 

〃Bella; you know what Carlisle told you;〃 Rosalie said。 〃Don't downplay anything。 It doesn't help us 
take care of either of you。〃 

〃Okay; I'm a little cold。 Edward; can you hand me that blanket?〃 

I rolled my eyes。 〃Isn't that sort of the point of me being here?〃 

〃You just walked in;〃 Bella said。 〃After running all day; I'd bet。 Put your feet up for a minute。 I'll 
probably warm up again in no time。〃 

I ignored her; going to sit on the floor next the sofa while she was still telling me what to do。 At that 
point; though; I wasn't sure how。。。。 She looked pretty brittle; and I was afraid to move her; even to put 
my arms around her。 So I just leaned carefully
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