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4 breaking dawn破晓-第29章

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everything he can。 Charlie's been stewing about it for days; but he only called Billy now。 He said she 
sounded worse today。 

The mental silence when Seth finished was profound。 We all understood。 

So she would die of this disease; as far as Charlie knew。 Would they let him view the corpse? The pale; 
perfectly still; unbreathing white body? They couldn't let him touch the cold skin—he might notice how 
hard it was。 

They'd have to wait until she could hold still; could keep from killing Charlie and the other mourners。 
How long would that take? 

Would they bury her? Would she dig herself out; or would the bloodsuckers e for her? 

The others listened to my speculating in silence。 I'd put a lot more thought into this than any of them。 

Leah and I entered the clearing at nearly the same time。 She was sure her nose led the way; though。 She 
dropped onto her haunches beside her brother while I trotted forward to stand at Sam's right hand。 Paul 
circled and made room for me in my place。 

Beatcha again;Leah thought; but I barely heard her。 

I wondered why I was the only one on my feet。 My fur stood up on my shoulders; bristling with 

Well; what are we waiting for?I asked。 

No one said anything; but I heard their feelings of hesitation。 

Oh; e on! The treaty's broken! 

We have no proof —maybe sheis sick。。。。 


Okay; so the circumstantial evidence is pretty strong。 Still。。。 Jacob。Sam's thought came slow; hesitant。 
Are you sure this is what you want? Is it really the right thing? We all know what she wanted。 

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The treaty doesn't mention anything about victim preferences; Sam! 

Is she really a victim? Would you label her that way? 


Jake;Seth thought; they aren't our enemies。 

Shut up; kid! Just 'cause you've got some kind of sick hero worship thing going on with that 
bloodsucker; it doesn't change the law。 They are our enemies。 They are in our territory。 We take them 
out。 I don't care if you had fun fighting alongside Edward Cullen once upon a time。 

So what are you going to do when Bella fights with them; Jacob? Huh?Seth demanded。 

She's not Bella anymore。 

You gonna be the one to take her down? 

I couldn't stop myself from wincing。 

No; you're not。 So; what? You gonna make one of us do it? And then hold a grudge against whoever it 
is forever? 

I wouldn't。。。 

Sure you won't。 You're not ready for this fight; Jacob。 

Instinct took over and I crouched forward; snarling at the gangly sandcolored wolf across the circle。 

Jacob!Sam cautioned。 Seth; shut up for a second。 

Seth nodded his big head。 

Dang; what'd I miss? Quthought。 He was running for the gathering place fullout。 Heard about 
Charlie's call。。。。 

Were getting ready to go;I told him。 Why don't you swing by Kim's and drag Jared out with your 
teeth? We're going to need everyone。 

e straight here; Quil;Sam ordered。 We've decided nothing yet。 

I growled。 

Jacob; I have to think about what's best for this pack。 I have to choose the course that protects you all 
best。 Times have changed since our ancestors made that treaty。 I。。。 well; I don't honestly believe that the 
Cullens are a danger to us。 And we know that they will not be here much longer。 Surely once they've told 
their story; they will disappear。 Our lives can return to normal。 


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If we challenge them; Jacob; they will defend themselves well。 

Are you afraid? 

Are you so ready to losea brother? He paused。 Or a sister? he tacked on as an afterthought。 

I'm not afraid to die。 

I know that; Jacob。 It's one reason I question your judgment on this。 

I stared into his black eyes。 Do you intend to honor our fathers' treaty or not? 

I honor my pack。 I do what's best for them。 


His muzzle tensed; pulling back over his teeth。 

Enough; Jacob。 You're overruled。Sam's mental voice changed; took on that strange double timbre that 
we could not disobey。 The voice of the Alpha。 He met the gaze of every wolf in the circle。 

The pack is not attacking the Cullens without provocation。 The spirit of the treaty remains。 They are nota 
danger to our people; nor are they a danger to the people of Forks。 Bella Swan made an informed 
choice; and we are not going to punish our former allies for her choice。 

Hear; hear;Seth thought enthusiastically。 

 thought I told you to shut it; Seth。 

Oops。 Sorry; Sam。 

Jacob; where do you think you're going? 

I left the circle; moving toward the west so that I could turn my back on him。 I'm going to tell my 
father goodbye。 Apparently there was no purpose in me sticking around this long。 

Aw; Jake— don't do that again! 

Shut up; Seth;several voices thought together。 

We don't want you to leave;Sam told me; his thought softer than before。 

So force me to stay; Sam。 Take away my will。 Make me a slave。 

You know I won't do that 

Then there's nothing more to say。 

I ran away from them; trying very hard not to think about what was next。 Instead; I concentrated on my 
memories of the long wolf months; of letting the humanity bleed out of me until I was more animal than 
man。 Living in the moment; eating when hungry; sleeping when tired; drinking when thirsty; and running 

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—running just to run。 Simple desires; simple answers to those desires。 Pain came in easily managed 
forms。 The pain of hunger。 The pain of cold ice under your paws。 The pain of cutting claws when dinner 
got feisty。 Each pain had a simple answer; a clear action to end that pain。 

Not like being human。 

Yet; as soon as I was in jogging distance of my house; I shifted back into my human body。 I needed to 
be able to think in privacy。 

I untied my shorts and yanked them on; already running for the house。 

I'd done it。 I'd hidden what I was thinking and now it was too late for Sam to stop me。 He couldn't hear 
me now。 

Sam had made a very clear ruling。 The pack would not attack the Cullens。 Okay。 

He hadn't mentioned an individual acting alone。 

Nope; the pack wasn't attacking anyone today。 

But I was。 


I didn't really plan to say goodbye to my father。 

After all; one quick call to Sam and the game would be up。 They'd cut me off and push me back。 
Probably try to make me angry; or even hurt me—somehow force me to phase so that Sam could lay 
down a new law。 

But Billy was expecting me; knowing I'd be in some kind of state。 He was in the yard; just sitting there in 
his wheelchair with his eyes right on the spot where I came through the trees。 I saw him judge my 
direction—headed straight past the house to my homemade garage。 

〃Got a minute; Jake?〃 

I skidded to a stop。 I looked at him and then toward the garage。 

〃C'mon kid。 At least help me inside。〃 

I gritted my teeth but decided that he'd be more likely to cause trouble with Sam if I didn't lie to him for 
a few minutes。 

〃Since when do you need help; old man?〃 

He laughed his rumbling laugh。 〃My arms are tired。 I pushed myself all the way here from Sue's。〃 

〃It's downhill。 You coasted the whole way。〃 

I rolled his chair up the little ramp I'd made for him and into the living room。 

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〃Caught me。 Think I got up to about thirty miles per hour。 It was great。〃 

〃You're gonna wreck that chair; you know。 And then you'll be dragging yourself around by your 

〃Not a chance。 It'll be your job to carry me。〃 

〃You won't be going many places。〃 

Billy put his hands on the wheels and steered himself to the fridge。 〃Any food left?〃 

〃You got me。 Paul was here all day; though; so probably not。〃 

Billy sighed。 〃Have to start hiding the groceries if we're gonna avoid starvation。〃 

〃Tell Rachel to go stay at his place。〃 

Billy's joking tone vanished; and his eyes go
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