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4 breaking dawn破晓-第137章

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sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he'd saved me from James。。。 
his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me。。。 every precious moment from the island。。。 
his cold hands touching our baby through my skin。。。 

And the sharp memories; perfectly recalled: his face when I'd opened my eyes to my new life; to the 
endless dawn of immortality。。。 that first kiss。。。 that first night。。。 

His lips; suddenly fierce against mine; broke my concentration。 

With a gasp; I lost my grip on the struggling weight I was holding away from myself。 It snapped back 
like stressed elastic; protecting my thoughts once again。 

〃Oops; lost it!〃 I sighed。 

〃I heard you;〃 he breathed。 〃How? How did you do that?〃 

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〃Zafrina's idea。 We practiced with it a few times。〃 

He was dazed。 He blinked twice and shook his head。 

〃Now you know;〃 I said lightly; and shrugged。 〃No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you。〃 

〃You're almost right。〃 He smiled; his eyes still a little wider than usual。 〃I know of just one exception。〃 


He started to kiss me again; but then stopped abruptly。 

〃Can you do it again?〃 he wondered。 

I grimaced。 〃It's very difficult。〃 

He waited; his expression eager。 

〃I can't keep it up if I'm even the slightest bit distracted;〃 I warned him。 

〃I'll be good;〃 he promised。 

I pursed my lips; my eyes narrowing。 Then I smiled。 

I pressed my hands to his face again; hefted the shield right out of my mind; and then started in where I'd 
left off—with the crystalclear memory of the first night of my new life。。。 lingering on the details。 

I laughed breathlessly when his urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again。 

〃Damn it;〃 he growled; kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw。 

〃We have plenty of time to work on it;〃 I reminded him。 

〃Forever and forever and forever;〃 he murmured。 

〃That sounds exactly right to me。〃 

And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever。 

the end 


Alphabeticallyby coven 

* vampire possesses a quantifiable supernatural talent 

— bonded pair (oldest listed first) 

struckdeceased before beginning of this novel 

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The Amazon Coven 

Kachiri SennaZafrina* 

The Denali Coven 

Eleazar*— Carmen 


Tanya VasHW 

The Egyptian Coven 

Amun— Kebi 

Benjamin*— Tia 

The Irish Coven 

Maggie* Siobhan*— Liam 

The Olympic Coven 

Carlisle— Esme Edward* — Bella* Jasper* — Alice* Renesmee* Rosalie — Emmett 

The Romanian Coven 



The Volturi Coven 

Aro*— Sulpicia Caius — Athenodora Marcus* —Didym e* 

The Volturi Guard (partial) 


Chelsea*— Afton* 





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The American Nomads (Partial) 




The European Nomads (Partial) 


Charles*— Makenna 


As always; an ocean of thanks to; 

My awesome family; for all their inparable love and support。 

My talented and hawt publicist; Elizabeth Eulberg; for creating STEPHENIE MEYER out of the raw 
clay that was 

once just a mousy Steph。 

The whole team at Little; Brown Books for Young Readers for five years of enthusiasm; faith; support; 
and incredibly 

hard work。 

All the amazing site creators and administrators in the Twilight Saga online fandom; you people astound 
me with your 


My brilliant; beautiful fans; with your unparalleled good taste in books; music; and movies; for continuing 
to love me 

more than I deserve。 

The bookstores who have made this series a hit with their remendations; all authors are indebted to 

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you for your 

love of and passion for literature。 

The many bands and musicians that keep me motivated; did I mention Muse already? I did? Too bad。 

Muse; Muse; Muse。。。 

New gratitude to: 

The best bandthatneverwas: Nic and the Jens; featuring Shelly C。 (Nicole Driggs; Jennifer Hancock; 
Jennifer Longman; and Shelly Colvin)。 Thanks for taking me under your collective wing; guys。 I would be 
a shutin without you。 

My longdistance pals and fonts of sanity; Cool Meghan Hibbett and Kimberly 〃Shazzer〃 Suchy。 

My peer support; Shannon Hale; for understanding everything; and for feeding my love of zombie 

Makenna Jewell Lewis for the use of her name; and her mother; Heather; for her support of the Arizona 

The new guys on my 〃writing inspiration〃 playlist: Interpol; Motion City Soundtrack; and Spoon。 

The phenomenon continues。 。 。 。 STEPHENIE MEYER 

the twilight saga: 

the official guide 

You may think you already know everything there is to know about the unforgettable world Stephenie 
Meyer created in Twilight; New Moon; Eclipse; and Breaking Dawn; but this essential edition—the 
only official guide—will put your knowledge to the test! With character profiles; genealogical charts; 
maps; extensive crossreferences; and much more; this prehensive handbook isa musthave for 
every Twilight Saga fan。 

ING DECEMBER 30; 2008 

Check。thetwiliqhtsaqa。 for details。 

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